Teacher Page


This webquest is designed for grade 10 students to study Shakespeare. It is designed to encourage individual AND groupwork. As a teacher using this website, it is suggested that you take note how well the students are working together as a group and take this into consideration when assessing their work. To view the criteria sheet, click here.


The Webquest team suggest that this webquest should have at least five lessons set aside to work on it, following this frame:

Lesson 1. Introduction to the Webquest, select groups and individual roles. Students can then watch the introductory video and begin research in their own areas.

Lesson 2. Continue with research in their seperate areas.

Lesson 3. Finish research in their seperate areas.

Lesson 4. Work in the groups to formulate a thesis and outline the essay. Begin writing essay.

Lesson 5. Complete essay. Encourage class discussion of Shakespeare's life and times.